Monday, June 11, 2012

foods are my fave

hey guys,

its a very hungry Wiley comin' at you LIVE from NC! ... that doesn't sound as pretty as "LIVE FROM NEW YORK" but whatever. oops, mama says i'm too young to watch that show :/

Anyway, i've eaten LOTS of foods today that are amazing! I got started in life on my cat mama's milk, then Grammy, Grampa, Mama and Dad got me on the other milk. Mama introduced me to wet food, and dry food, and dry food soaked in water, and I thought life was great.

And then one day, Mama dropped some shredded chicken, and that was my fave.

And then one day, Mama gave me some bratwurst. And that was my fave.

And last night, Mama and Daddy gave me some ground beef, and oooh that was my fave.

But today, Mama shared her dinner wiht me. She didn't let me eat some of her bratwurst, but I licked up some of the juices, got some noms of the string cheese, and then, well, she laughed at me, but man, those wheat thins?! were GREAT! 

But my absolute fave?

Red. Velvet. froyo. Mama would like to point out that she didn't eat all of that bowl, not even a full layer of it! just enough to eat the parts with the chocolate sunflower seeds on them. 

Dad's eating noms, must go explore..


Sunday, June 10, 2012


You know that blue thing Mama tried to put on my neck yesterday?

yeah, she's crazy. I am destined to run FREE!

Its a breakaway collar for a reason, and this man has to break away! 

Off to ru away from another attack of the blue thing...


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Big Changes

Hey guyz,

So many things happened today, I don't know where to begin, so let's start with something Grandma commented on.

"A tie and a goatee always adds years to a man ;-)"

That bell came off after Mama saw me trying to, well, attack my neck. Seeeriously. What is that?! Who DOES that?! Life was much better after. Well, I'm still getting adjusted to it, but I think it does a lot for me. Gives me some swag street cred?

More updates on the big day tomorrow!


Cagin' Seasoning

hey guys,

as some of you kno, i live in a house with two doggies. daddy says they're too bored during the day to just hang out. he tried that once, and up with torn mail, food he didn't know about eaten, including the wrappers, and not as happy dogs, so they have their happy little kennels. befor you think this is mean and evil, know that these are their happy places. i have my bathroom, they have their fan cooled kennels.

anyway, when the dogs were out and about one day, i decided i needed some water. My big sister's water was RIGHT THERE so i hopped in and, after some trial and error, figured out how to drink from the water bowl that could probably be a bath tub. ew baths...

off to go shopping with mama! She says that if i  buy new furnichur, i can move into the KITCHEN!!!


Friday, June 8, 2012

Quick Story

Hey guys,

Wiley's a little high thanks to the new catnip infused scratching rug I got him in hopes of saving my arms, the couch, the chairs, etc, some Wiley-esque wear and tear, so I'm back for your daily dose of cute.

I wish I had a picture of this, but as soon as I moved to setup a camera of some sort, Wiley was fascinated. He's a little ADD fluffball! Anyway, if you know me at all, you know I HATE having to touch my eyeball and hate people touching their eyes. Contacts?! Fuhgeddaboudit! My supposed "best" friends in high school would torture me in 1st hour by touching their eyes when I needed to focus but could see their grossness in my peripheral vision. Its been 7 years and no, I haven't forgotten!

Anyway, high-as-a-kite Wiley man started loooking at me. He was giving me the "omg what is this?! I must observe and then POUNCE!" look we've gotten to know so well. When his butt started wiggling, he didn't LEAP, but stalked, and got riiiight up in my face with his nose near my eyes. Every time I blinked, he jumped back. This happened a few times, sadly.

I wish I could tell you what happened next- did he try to lick my eye, make love to the mascara'd lashes?!- but like I said at the top, I moved, he moved, that particular storyline over :/

For now, here's your dose of cuteness:

UPDATE: As soon as I wrote that? he was transfixed again. See picture proof below, and sorry that the photos are dark and grainy!

I promise Wiley will take over again just as soon as he realizes my arm isn't a chew toy. Oh man, this might take a while...


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sho' Thing

hey guys,

its still wiley. i have a cunfession. you see, i am in love. Mr. bear is great for snuggling with all day, and the soybean pod left over from sushi dinner was great fun, but i have a true love. its great, because there's so many of them. 

shoes. love them! daddy's boots, mama's sneakers, and the empty sandals by the door. they're perfect height, they fight back only occasionally and mama's mizunos have fun laces that are edible!!! every now adn then they hurt me, but everywun's getting much better about staying out of my way. 
dear sweet laces, you are MINE


i see a stray sandal, peace out.

-Wile E. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

sink attack!

hey guys,

its WILEY! by the way, you should always say "wiley" like "wall-e" at the 6 second mark here. its much cuter, and i am the epitome of cute.

today was a pretty stressful morning for me. mama always puts these brushes on her face in my room, sometimes poking her eye, other times making strange tutting noises. whatever. anyway, i wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so she let me get up on the counter.

that's when i discovered so many things!

first... there's some other cat lurkng in the room with me!

second, this thing is SLIPPERY!

and last, but not least, there's these darn holes that you MUST ATTACK!!!

just chillin' tonight.

don't fall down any sink holes!


Monday, June 4, 2012

how i type

hey guys,

its wiley again. i know youre probably wondering how i reach the lteers all the time, so i thought i'd show you how i type. Mama always says she knows ive been blogging because i leave the caps lock on. sawwwyyy Mama!

Without further ado, your daily dose of cute. gotta go attack shoe laces and headphone cords while mama works out!

deep in thought, figuring out what to say and reviewing what ive written

"no no!! change it all!"

snack break! mama tastes yummy!

even ferocious wiley monsters need a kiss every now and then

ok, back to work!

sometimes we stand up and write, helps the thoughts flow better
not worrying about a caption because this is never seeing the light of day, so embarassing


Sunday, June 3, 2012


hi guys,

its Wiley again. i thought id tell you about some of the ways life with momma and daddy has changed sinc e they met me. when they brought me home, i was still loving my bottle. man, i miss that thing. they tell me that when i fall asleep with my head back, my mouth will open a little and if they stick their finger in there, i'll suck on it like a bottle. I dont know why momma and daddy would mess with me like that, but they do.

young me with wet food
anywayz, the vet lady told momma i was old enuff to be "weend", so she stopped giving me the bottle, gave me wet food, and this crunchy dry stuff. i wuld have to get ear and eye drops, but it was always worth it, because that meant a bottle was coming soon, but then the bottle went away and the drops stayed! again, not kewl, guyz!

crunchy food?
i didnt like the crunchy stuff. ive got plenty of power in my bite, based on how often momma and daddy go "ow!" when we play and i nibble, but the bites were so big and my mouth wasn't grouwing fast enuff. then they gave me this stuff that tasted suspiciously similar, but was mushy and deliciou. i could just nom on that all day! i liked the wet food out of the can, but sometimes i fall asleep eating that and i haven't seen that much recently.bgY` 

get. in. mah. beeelllllllyyyyyyyyyy

after my bottle days were officially over, i was thursty allll the time! momma and daddy give me "water" but when my eyesight was still fuzzy, seeing that clear stuff before it tried to take me over was reaaallly hard! i can see it a bit better now, and i make sure to play with it in the morning, muck it up. daddy always feeds me the crunchy stuff again now. momma says its the indoor kitten food she got for me the very first weekend they met me, and its supper nommy!

time to go find some more and attack a foot!


Saturday, June 2, 2012


hi guys,

its me, Wiley. mom's going a bit crazy and since us kittens age way faster than stinky human kittens, im now old enough to walk, run, pounce and, of course, blog. i dont always know how to spel the greatest or even use dots and dashes, whatever they call it, punkunation? 

my blogging purch

im 7 weex old now. momma tells my my name is "Wile E. Cat Huck Momma" but you can call me "Wiley". The "E." stands for Elizabeth, and befur you think momma is crazy for giving a wild man like me a gurl .name, she tells me i was named after her furocious kitty growing up that everyone called "Lizzy." My last names aren't really "huck momma" either, but I dont want strangers on the interwebs hunting me down and getting me because im darn cute enuff to get taken but nobodys feets taste as good as momma and daddy's and i like playing with them.                       


sense im now in charge of this thing, ull see more pictures and even tho the posts mite be shorter becauze i needs to gets my naps in, i'll be around more. i hear momma saying something about a bath to kill the fleeze my sister gave back to me, gotta go hide!
