Sunday, June 3, 2012


hi guys,

its Wiley again. i thought id tell you about some of the ways life with momma and daddy has changed sinc e they met me. when they brought me home, i was still loving my bottle. man, i miss that thing. they tell me that when i fall asleep with my head back, my mouth will open a little and if they stick their finger in there, i'll suck on it like a bottle. I dont know why momma and daddy would mess with me like that, but they do.

young me with wet food
anywayz, the vet lady told momma i was old enuff to be "weend", so she stopped giving me the bottle, gave me wet food, and this crunchy dry stuff. i wuld have to get ear and eye drops, but it was always worth it, because that meant a bottle was coming soon, but then the bottle went away and the drops stayed! again, not kewl, guyz!

crunchy food?
i didnt like the crunchy stuff. ive got plenty of power in my bite, based on how often momma and daddy go "ow!" when we play and i nibble, but the bites were so big and my mouth wasn't grouwing fast enuff. then they gave me this stuff that tasted suspiciously similar, but was mushy and deliciou. i could just nom on that all day! i liked the wet food out of the can, but sometimes i fall asleep eating that and i haven't seen that much recently.bgY` 

get. in. mah. beeelllllllyyyyyyyyyy

after my bottle days were officially over, i was thursty allll the time! momma and daddy give me "water" but when my eyesight was still fuzzy, seeing that clear stuff before it tried to take me over was reaaallly hard! i can see it a bit better now, and i make sure to play with it in the morning, muck it up. daddy always feeds me the crunchy stuff again now. momma says its the indoor kitten food she got for me the very first weekend they met me, and its supper nommy!

time to go find some more and attack a foot!


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