Saturday, July 14, 2012

While you sleep

Dear Wiley,

While you sleep in my arms, something you're doing a lot more of these days, I thought I'd take the blog back over to let out all the jumbled thoughts thanks to your "adventure" this week. I was so scared when your dad called me at 5:20 Tuesday morning with a "Babe, get over here now, its Wiley." I asked him if this was a "call the vet" or "start digging a hole in the backyard" type of emergency. I was, and am still, so grateful that I didn't watch you get bitten, see you bleed, or hear too much of your crying. It really does break my heart every time you cry, even if I let you remain in the situation that makes you hurt.

We've both gotten to know more of the vets and almost every technician at CareFirst Animal Hospital on Oberlin, but I completely trusted them to give you the best level of care. Yes, you cost me more than a pair of Jimmy Choo's , more than a good laptop can go for these days, and almost as much as the new flatscreen TV your dad wants to buy, but, with you cuddled up on me, my heart melts and says "totally worth it!" It doesn't hurt your cuteness case that your broken jaw doesn't quite shut all the way, so your mouth hangs open all the time and your little tongue can't stay in. Slays me every time!

You surprised everyone, including Dr. Wages, when the feeding tube they set up didn't work. Mr. Antenna Head was quite entertaining, but you would walk around and bump something so that mid step, you'd collapse and cry in pain, even if nobody was touching you. When your dad and I tried to feed you through the tube, you demanded the food in your mouth, not through the pesky tube, which was great, because the tube kept getting stuck. 

In my over-protective-panic mode, I called the vet's office again, and they said to just bring you in, technicians would show me how to do this. When the quick "we'll just make sure its going well and then show you how to do it" turned into a gap long enough for me to scroll through facebook AND a couple of news stories on my phone,  I wasn't surprised that the night shift vet came in and said "yeah, the food's not staying down, so we'll keep him until the doctor that put his tube in comes in the morning." Sad, yes, that you had to spend another night in the hospital away from me, but if it was what was best for you, so be it.

The call that next morning that you were drinking water, eating wet food, dry kibble, trying to eat your blanket and even gnawing on the bars of your cage just made me laugh. I came to get you that afternoon, antenna-less! You're a stinkin' fast healer, which I think might come in handy if you're going to keep playing with these big dogs and your adventurous spirit. 

You attack feet and hands like normal, but we try to pull away so that you don't mess up the nice wiring in your jaw. The pain meds must be awesome, because you act completely normal now. Well, you like to cuddle way more, but can this please be standard?! When it comes time for antibiotics, you're not the biggest fan, but drink it up well. Your scraggly kitten fur seems to be slowly but surely replaced with sleep jet black fur along your back spine and the top of your head. Its like the wiry dark gray is out, and New York Black is IN! 

So there you have it! You've probably gone through 2 of your lives, between surviving the attempted orphaning and now the jaw breaking, but you're only 15 weeks old :/ I think God must have a special place for you, by the way, because I begged Him to let you heal quickly, for it to not cost too much, and low and behold, thanks to the great doctors and your insane metabolism, you're acting normal and I got paid for the new job! That paycheck can cover all of what you cost me, but it needs to last me for another month, so at least I've got enough to cover the credit card bill for another month :) 

You might be trouble, but you're cute enough that you're worth it. Dad and I agree, we're keepin' ya!


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